Howdy Retail Partners

Tourism is so important to local communities. Co-Hi encourages enjoyment of the beauty of the outdoors so more people are inspired to live the outdoor lifestyle.  

Howdy & Aloha! Colorado and Hawaii are bursting with amazing experiences. After you’ve visited you’ll have a whole new outlook on the outdoor lifestyle, just wait and see.  You embrace nature and we embrace you! Colorado and Hawaii local businesses can rely on us to increase profits and prosper.  

  • With wholesale pricing, local businesses immediately see a return at 25% off regular retail prices. And if design’s not your thing, it’s ours! Everything we create features local attractions and local businesses.  We’re open to partner consignments or other forms of partnerships. 
  • If you’re interested, give us a shout via our contact form!  Howdy Partner! We provide no upfront cost consignments and wholesale discounts we keep local businesses profitable. 
  • We take the hit because we truly believe in the cause. We also know how difficult it is running a small business and want to help.


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