Aloha Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens

Aloha Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens

Hoomaluhia Botanical Gardens is nestled beneath the majestic Koolau Mountain range in Kaneohe. Its popularity has grown exponentially since the pandemic according to Daniel Babbitt, the program specialist there. 

The serene 400-acre park features 12 different gardens including a tulip garden, an herb garden, and a bonsai collection. It's no wonder that this peaceful oasis has become a popular spot for locals and tourists alike seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of city life.

With the increase in visitors comes an increase in litter and wear and tear on the delicate plants and flowers. In order to protect the gardens and ensure that everyone can continue to enjoy them for years to come, the Department of Parks and Recreation is considering implementing a reservation system. Under this system, visitors would need to book a time slot in advance in order to enter the park. 

While some may see this as a hassle, it's really not that different from booking a time slot at your favorite museum or attractions. And if it means being able to enjoy Hoomaluhia for years to come, we think it's worth it! 

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